Thursday, May 26, 2011

Study on Esther

Hi all, I'm back, but for no real reason. Just wanted to note here that I have a written version of a study of Esther that I did available now for e-reader. It will be on Amazon eventually for 99¢, but it's free on Smashwords.
Also, I'll record here that I got a terrific and insightful review of "The Job" from Christian Book Notes, one of the more respected online reviewers I've found. It's funny that the more professional the reviewer, the better the review for this book. Please give them a look if you haven't already.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Media and New Marketing XX

Well, I've not been around here for awhile, and I've got to mention that I'm about to give up. I continue to get good reviews for "The Job," for instance this new one at Simul Iustus et Peccator, but these things don't seem to ever show up on Amazon, Goodreads, B&N, Smashwords, &c. &c. where they could actually do some good. As well, a quick googling of some of my key words to this blog shows that it's not showing up even on the first 10 search pages. So what's the point? (or "pint," as I nearly typed). This blog has three followers, and I'm one of them.

On top of that, I was shut out of the Independent Publisher Awards, the only contest I had a chance to be recognized in. I'd entered in the humor and religious fiction categories, and came away with nothing. Not really surprising, but the winner of silver in religious fiction was "The Sherlock Holmes Church Mysteries." This was an author who stole an iconic secular literary character, long after its creator was dead, and adapted it to her agenda. And she gets an award for it. So I'm pretty close to giving up any kind of marketing. It's not what I should be about, anyway. Success in the marketplace is not the raison d'etre of art and literature, and certainly not of the Church.